Tuesday, 09 May 2017 00:00

Intellectual Property National Strategy have been approved

The Government of Mongolia have been approved the Intellectual Property National Strategy. The main purposes of the Strategy is to develop the knowledge based economy in Mongolia and increase the placement at the international level by encouraging innovators and creators, support their inventions, to create legal warm environment and increase the number of Intellectual Property users. ip strategy1

The core-implementing agency is The General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration of Mongolia. As the Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents (AMIPA) with tight relationship of the National IP Office (GAIPSR), with the participation of member companies in the various kinds of Intellectual Property seminars, we are keen to expand their intellectual property rights in new businesses and establish competitive advantages with existing operations in accordance with its strategy. 

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On that account we are working to bring a general understanding to public on green technology and innovation as a green IP, to promote national branding nationwide, IP valuation, franchising system, promotional activities on geographical indications, etc. 

In summary, there will be established the IP National Council, who will monitor and work actively for its development to bring the valuable outcome at the national level comprising all related institutions, research centers and organizations.

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Brief History

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

Contact us

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Association

point icon1 Science Park
tel icon1 976-99045317, 9919-5893
web icon1 www.amipa.org.mn
email icon1 info@amipa.org.mn
twitter icon1 AMIPA
facebook icon1 AMIPA- IP Agents 
