Friday, 14 October 2016 00:00

Cooperation Agreement

The Intellectual Property Office, Implementing Agency of the Government of Mongolia and the Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents have concluded the Cooperation Agreement. The purpose of this Cooperation Agreement is to take and implement certain measures in relation to improving activities of Intellectual Property Agents and legal environment, increasing their knowledge and skills, organize various IP related trainings and enhancing services for citizens and business entities based on the Government Resolution # 111 dated June 28, 1995 regarding Approving General Procedures for Entrustment and Performance of Special Functions of State Executive Body or Specific Functions of Subsector by Non-Governmental Organization.

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Brief History

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Agents was founded in 1996 as Association of the Mongolian Patent Attorneys. That time 6 members had been joined to the Association.

Contact us

The Association of Mongolian Intellectual Property Association

point icon1 Science Park
tel icon1 976-99045317, 9919-5893
web icon1
email icon1
twitter icon1 AMIPA
facebook icon1 AMIPA- IP Agents 
